Office of Research and Development

Office of Research and Development

About us

To meet the changes and challenges of the research and development home and overseas, the Office of Research and Development was established on August 1, 2000. Currently there are three divisions, Division of University Development, Division of Research and Management, and Division of Industry-Academic Cooperation, which function as the hub to enhance research productivity and to increase the R&D competitive edge of the university.

 Academic Reputation

  • Conduct surveys related to research and publications at regular intervals
  • Encourage applications for research grant from government agencies as well as private sectors
  • Implement policies to encourage and assist faculty to apply for research grant
  • Award publications in SCI/SSCI journals to meet the average of the leading group among universities in Taiwan
  • Establish interdisciplinary academic clusters and support them with research grants to form unique features of the university

Research Focus

To respond to the need of the society by providing a theoretical ground, the R&D Office is committed to:Integrate researches related to the Church and faith, ethics, and religious studies by constructing a theoretical backbone, the Fu Jen School, so that the Catholic identity of Fu Jen can be manifested through its researchesStrengthen the productivity of research centers, including: Fu Jen Academia Catholica,Research Center of Pre-Ch’in Period and Han Dynasty , Biotechnology Research Center, Research Center of Development, Health & Assessment at occupational Field, Center for Corporate Governance and Business Ethics, Faculty Development Center for Medical Educators, and Clinical Skill Cente.

University Development

 To prepare a comprehensive groundwork for solid future development, the R&D is committed to:Chart the mid and long-term development of the university, examine the scale and recruitment quota of academic departments in order to readjust the priority in university development Investigate on the possibilities of the merging of departments following the critical opinions and results from accreditations

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