Office of Academic Affairs

Office of Academic Affairs

A university education is about developing talent, and teaching is the key to achieving that goal. Our staff at the Office of Academic Affairs is dedicated to enhancing teaching quality and boosting learning outcomes. To achieve these ends, the office is divided into six administrative sections: the Registrar, the Curriculum Division, the Admissions Office, the Faculty Development and Instructional Resources Center, the Foreign Language Resource Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Creative Design Center. Together, colleagues from each section work to offer faculty and students a diverse, high-quality learning environment. Our staff strives to enhance teaching quality and boost learning outcomes by planning and implementing specific initiatives aimed at realizing the medium and long-term goals of the university as well as those of the MOE’s Higher Education Development Program. The Office of Academic Affairs has a proud history of staying on top of the latest developments, uniting FJCU’s many academic programs in the pursuit of a common purpose, and creating and promoting far-sighted educational policies.


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